Thursday, December 20, 2007

Wal-Mart Gets the Money, Taxpayers Get to Bill

This makes me seethe.

Wal-Mart employee suffers brain damage in a truck wreck, Wal-Mart's health plan pays for medical treatment (which it agreed to do when it took premiums from the employee), employee gets a $417,000 settlement from the trucking company (which is put into trust to pay for her on-going nursing home care) and now Wal-Mart sues the brain-damaged employee for the $470,000 the health plan paid plus its attorneys' fees (which, at least in Texas, the injured employee would not be able to recover from the trucking company). It's called subrogation, which is a fancy word for "insurance company screws the little guy."

The biggest corporation in the world is taking this lady's last dime, leaving her future medical care to be paid by Medicaid, which means you get to pay for it.

Watch this video and think about this the next time you decide to shop at Wal-Mart.


Anonymous said...

Wake up, people! The Wal-Marts of this country are getting fatter and fatter and they're buying the politicians to make the laws more favorable to them. At the end of the day, all they'll be doing is bringing in shitty little trinkets from China and taking your money.

Anonymous said...

I think it's horrible what Walmart is doing to this lady. They didn't think it was so awful when they took her money for her premiums for her insurance coverage. What...if she wouldn't have needed the coverage, could she have sued for HER money back?? The courts agreed with Walmart to give the money back. I would sue to get the money I paid in premiums back. Is this going to set a precidence for the next "insurance" claim for the rest of us? Walmart keeps getting richer and richer and people just keep shopping there. Their employees wouldn't be working there if they didn't need the money and insurance. If they all walked away from their job for just one day, imagine how that would hurt the pockets of the big Walmart execs. When is it time for the working people to be treated like they deserve! These companies forget..if it wasn't for their employees, there wouldn't be a company!!